Thursday, October 15th 2020
Street Art
This painting is a graffiti by British artist Bansky. It is entitled Whitewashing Lascaux.
In the background, there are animals and hunters, which represent a prehistoric painting made with mud in a cave.
In the foreground, there is a man, who is cleaning a graffiti on a wall.
We think it is a terrible (= very bad) idea because it is a rare masterpiece (= chef d'oeuvre) and it is a testimony (= témoignage) of the History of Man !

Recap Street Art

Tuesday, November 3rd 2020

Street Art

a. Street art can be found on buildings from Tokyo to Paris to NYC.
b. Street art can take the form of paintings, sculptures, stickers, etc...
c. Street artists usually work secretly because it is illegal.
d. They generally don’t have permission to paint public and private property.
e. People have different opinions about the movement.
f. Some people think street art is a crime and destroys property, others think it is a rich and non-traditional cultural expression.


Exercice pour le prochain cours (à faire au crayon dans le cahier) :

Positive arguments
- be the voice of society / say what people think
- be famous / be incredible
- have a message
- have different definitions
- sell graffiti / earn money
- be less boring
- use bright colors and imagination


Negative arguments
- be a crime / be vandalism
- damage property
- ruin the community
- cost a lot of money to remove
- not be a form of art

Opinion - vocabulary

Recap du débat

Tuesday, November 10th 2020


Revision Time  - Should or shouldn't ?

Banksy Does New York

Projet Final

Imagine Banksy painted this graffiti on your school’s façade overnight.
Should the school keep it or clean it up ?

Prepare your positive AND negative arguments.

Use this online dictionnary to find vocabulary :

Quelques conseils pour l'oral


Afin de préparer ton oral, tu peux utiliser le site :


1) clique sur le lien

2) tu peux choisir ton personnage, mais cela n'a pas d'importance

3) clique sur le haut-parleur en bas à gauche de l'écran

4) puis tape ton texte et choisis qui parle, par exemple (James US)

5) pour finir, clique sur le bouton 'play', écoute et entraine-toi à répéter afin d'être prêt pour l'oral !



En cas d'hésitation à l'oral, tu peux utiliser les expressions suivantes :

- Sorry...

- Give me a minute...

- Let me think...

- One moment, please...

Réussir la compréhension écrite

Correction Test

Corrige tes erreurs en vert. Si tu n'as pas assez de place, recopie les phrases dans ton cahier.

Correction CO

Complète les informations manquantes sur ta feuille ou dans ton cahier.